Märklin 48166 Insider H0 Annual Car for 2016

Manufacturer: Märklin
Article: 48166
EAN: 4001883481661
Gauge: H0 1:87
Railway Company: DB
Road Number: 516 814
Era: III
System: AC 3 Rail
Märklin 48166 Insider H0 Annual Car for 2016
Prototype: Two-axle boxcar as a beer refrigerator car with the brakeman’s stand removed. Privately owned car painted and lettered for the Bavarian State Brewery Weihenstephan, Freising, Germany, used on the German Federal Railroad (DB). The car looks as it did around 1961.
Model: The side walls model a vertical board structure. The car has non-opening refrigeration area doors. Length over the buffers 10.6 cm / 4-3/16″. DC wheel set E700270.
One-time series in 2016 only for Märklin Insider members.
New items brochure 2016
Product programme 2016 / 2017
See at Märklin.